G&P intech is a partner in the project Ecuador since 2016 for the reconstruction, retrofitting and seismic prevention of buildings and infrastructures after the earthquake of April 2016. Together with Italian Embassy, Government, Universities, Italian and Ecuador Authorities , Politecnico of Turin the group G&P intech has promoted the seminar “Materiales y Tecnologias al servicio de la reconstruccion post sismo” that will be held in Quito on april 23rd .
For registration: segreteria.quito@esteri.it
G&P intech participate since ten years to the recontruction of L’Aquila Italy after the earthquake of 2009, In Emilia after 2012, in Middle of Italy after 2016. The Basilique of Collemaggio, the major monument in L’Aquila, has been totally restored with G&P intech technologies.
G&P intech since 30 years is working worldwide in the matter of reconstruction and seismic prevention with composites materials and seismic devices, participate in University Research Programs and promote professional trainings, particularly in Italy, Romania, Spain, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Ecuador.